

Best Python training institute in Hyderabad

Are you a beginner in python programming and hunting for best python training institute in Santosh Nagar, Hyderabad, then your search ends here. Even you can get training from online education. Whether you are a beginner or experienced, it is the best institute to enrol for your coaching in python. We have a real-time experienced trainer with hands-on expertise in programming. Well equipped lab to practice. Why wait! Just fill the form and you will be part of Ram Infotech training institute. For any query, feel free to contact our trainer on call.

The objective of this training is to familiarize participants with the knowledge of concepts and constructs of Python. The students will acquire an in-depth knowledge of testing and debugging Python applications along with writing and deploying Python programs. The individual will be gain expertise to create his own Python program and capable to work extensively on a real-time project on Python.

One of the most sought after programming languages due to its ease and clear syntax comprising of interactive and object-oriented features which are in demand in the current scenario. It is widely accepted in web application development network programming, data sciences, socket programming etc. The knowledge widens the technical expertise of the aspirants to a large extent.

Python Course Content

Core Python

  • 01

    Introduction to Script

    What is Script, program?
    Types of Scripts
    Difference between Script and Programming Languages
    Features and Limitation of Scripting
    Types of programming Language Paradigms
  • 02

    Introduction to Python

    What is Python?
    Why Python?
    Who Uses Python?
    Characteristics of Python
    History of Python
    What is PSF?
    Python Versions
    How to Download and Install Python
    Install Python with Diff IDEs
    Features and Limitations of Python
    Python Applications
    Creating Your First Python Program
    Printing to the Screen
    Reading Keyboard Input
    Using Command Prompt and GUI or IDE
    Python Distributions
  • 03

    Different Modes in PYTHON

    Execute the Script
    Interactive and Script Mode
    Python File Extensions
    Clear screen inside python
    Learn Python Main Function
    Python Comments
    Quit the Python Shell
    Shell as a Simple Calculator
    Order of operations
    Multiline Statements
    Quotations in Python
    Python Path Testing
    Joining two lines
    Python Implementation Alternatives
    Sub Packages in Python
    Uses of Python in Data Science, IoT
    Working with Python in Unix/Linux/Windows/Mac/Android..!!
  • 04


    PyCharm IDE
    How to Work on PyCharm
    PyCharm Components
    Debugging process in PyCharm
    PYTHON Install Anaconda
    What is Anaconda?
    Coding Environments
    Spyder Components
    General Spyder Features
    Spyder Shortcut Keys
    Jupyter Notebook
    What is Conda? and Conda List?
    Jupyter and Kernels
    What is PIP?
  • 05

    Variables in Python

    What is Variable?
    Variables and Constants in Python
    Variable,Variable names and Value
    Mnemonic Variable Names
    Values and Types
    What Does “Type” Mean?
    Multiple Assignment
    Python different numerical types
    Standard Data Types
    Operators and Operands
    Order of Operations
    Swap variables
    Python Mathematics
    Type Conversion
    Mutable Versus Immutable Objects
  • 06

    String Handling

    What is string?
    String operations and indices
    Basic String Operations
    String Functions, Methods
    Delete a string
    String Multiplication and concatenation
    Python Keywords, Identifiers and Literals
    String Formatting Operator
    Structuring with indentation in Python
    Built-in String Methods
    Define Data Structure?
    Data Structures in PYTHON
  • 07

    Python Operators and Operands

    Arithmetic, Relational Operators and Comparison Operators
    Python Assignment Operators
    Short hand Assignment Operators
    Logical Operators or Bitwise Operators
    Membership Operators
    Identity Operators
    Operator precedence
    Evaluating Expressions
  • 08

    Python Conditional Statements

    How to use “if condition” in conditional structures
    if statement (One-Way Decisions)
    if .. else statement (Two-way Decisions)
    How to use “else condition”
    if .. elif .. else statement (Multi-way)
    When “else condition” does not work
    How to use “elif” condition
    How to execute conditional statement with minimal code
    Nested IF Statement
  • 09

    Python LOOPS

    How to use “While Loop” and “For Loop”
    How to use For Loop for set of other things besides numbers
    Break statements, Continue statement, Enumerate function for For Loop
    Practical Example
    How to use for loop to repeat the same statement over and again
    Break, continue statements
  • 10

    Learning Python Strings

    Accessing Values in Strings
    Various String Operators
    Some more examples
    Python String replace() Method
    Changing upper and lower case strings
    Using “join” function for the string
    Reversing String
    Split Strings
  • 11

    Sequence or Collections in PYTHON

    Unicode Strings
  • 12

    Python Lists

    Lists are mutable
    Getting to Lists
    List indices
    Traversing a list
    List operations, slices and methods
    Map, filter and reduce
    Deleting elements
    Lists and strings
  • 13

    Python TUPLE

    Advantages of Tuple over List
    Packing and Unpacking
    Comparing tuples
    Creating nested tuple
    Using tuples as keys in dictionaries
    Deleting Tuples
    Slicing of Tuple
    Tuple Membership Test
    Built-in functions with Tuple
    Dotted Charts
  • 14

    Python Sets

    How to create a set?
    Iteration Over Sets
    Python Set Methods
    Python Set Operations
    Union of sets
    Built-in Functions with Set
    Python Frozenset
  • 15

    Python Dictionary

    How to create a dictionary?
    Python Dictionary Methods
    Copying dictionary
    Updating Dictionary
    Delete Keys from the dictionary
    Dictionary items() Method
    Sorting the Dictionary
    Python Dictionary in-built Functions
    Dictionary len() Method
    Variable Types
    Python List cmp() Method
    Dictionary Str(dict)
  • 16

    Python Functions

    What is a function?
    How to define and call a function in Python
    Types of Functions
    Significance of Indentation (Space) in Python
    How Function Return Value?
    Types of Arguments in Functions
    Default Arguments and Non-Default Arguments
    Keyword Argument and Non-keyword Arguments
    Arbitrary Arguments
    Rules to define a function in Python
    Various Forms of Function Arguments
    Scope and Lifetime of variables
    Nested Functions
    Call By Value, Call by Reference
    Anonymous Functions/Lambda functions
    Passing functions to function
    map(), filter(), reduce() functions
    What is a Docstring?

Advanced Python

  • 17

    Python Modules

    What is a Module?
    Types of Modules
    The import Statement
    The from…import Statement
    ..import * Statement
    Underscores in Python
    The dir( ) Function
    Creating User defined Modules
    Command line Arguments
    Python Module Search Path
  • 18

    Python Date and Time

    How to Use Date & DateTime Class
    How to Format Time Output
    How to use Timedelta Objects
    Calendar in Python
    datetime classes in Python
    How to Format Time Output?
    The Time Module
    Python Calendar Module
    Python Text Calendar, HTML Calendar Class
    Unix Date and Time Commands
  • 19

    File Handling

    What is a data, Information File?
    File Objects
    File Different Modes and Object Attributes
    How to create a Text Fil and Append Data to a File and Read a File
    Closing a file
    Read, read line ,read lines, write, write lines…!!
    Renaming and Deleting Files
    Directories in Python
    Working with CSV files and CSV Module
    Handling IO Exceptions
  • 20

    Python OS Module

    Shell Script Commands
    Various OS operations in Python
    Python File System Shell Methods
  • 21

    Python Exception Handling

    Python Errors
    Common RunTime Errors in PYTHON
    Abnormal termination
    Chain of importance Of Exception
    Exception Handling
    Try … Except
    Try .. Except .. else
    Try … finally
    Argument of an Exception
    Python Custom Exceptions
    Ignore Errors
  • 22

    More Advanced PYTHON

    Python Iterators, Generators, Closures, Decorators, Python @property
  • 23

    Python Class and Objects

    Introduction to OOPs Programming
    Object Oriented Programming System
    OOPS Principles
    Define Classes
    Creating Objects
    Class variables and Instance
    Variables Constructors
    Basic concept of Object and Classes
    Access Modifiers
    How to define Python classes
    Python Namespace
    Self-variable in python
    Garbage Collection
    What is Inheritance? Types of Inheritance?
    How Inheritance works?
    Python Multiple Inheritance
    Overloading and Over Riding
    Built-In Class Attributes
  • 24

    Python Regular Expressions

    What is Regular Expression?
    Regular Expression Syntax
    Understanding Regular Expressions
    Regular Expression Patterns
    Literal characters
    Repetition Cases
    Example of w+ and ^ Expression
    Example of \s expression in re.split function
    Using regular expression methods
    Using re.match()
    Finding Pattern in Text (re.search())
    Using re.findall for text
    Python Flags
    Methods of Regular Expressions
  • 25

    Python-Data Base Communication

    What is Database? Types of Databases?
    What is DBMS?, RDBMS?
    Executing the Queries
    Bind Variables
    Installing of Oracle Python Modules
    Executing DML Operations..!!
  • 26

    Python-Data Base Multi-Threading

    What is Multi-Threading
    Threading Module
    Defining a Thread
    Thread Synchronization
  • 27

    Data Analytics

    Introduction to NumPY
    Introduction to Pandas and MatPlotLib
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